Monday, June 28, 2010

OC Times at The Clay Center, Charleston, WV

What a quartet. What a sound. The crowd really enjoyed OC Times as they performed Friday evening at The Clay Center, Charleston WV. Their performance was part of an evening of barbershop, as they were preceded by the Scioto Valley Chorus (Sweet Adelines) and the Kanawha Kordsmen Chorus. The event was part of Charleston's Festivall, a week-long celebration of the arts.

Of course there was some pick up quartet singing before the show. I managed to get involved.
I'm the guy in the Hawaiian shirt. The guy to my left is "Jeep", a bass, the guy to his left, in the blue shirt is a chorus director, the guy to his left sang a nice tenor, the guy to his left, the left most guy in the picture, is from Germany, at one point he sang with a chorus in Colorado, the guy to his left is a lead, the next two guys are former Dapper Dans. The guy to my immediate right is Paul Hesson, who in addition to being a former Dapper Dan now leads, I believe, The Singing Kernels of Ashland, KY.

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